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Public Art

The Havre de Grace Arts Collective is the steward of the City of Havre de Grace Public Art Plan.​​Havre de Grace has always been a welcoming place where art is appreciated and artists encouraged to create.In 2014 the City Council endorsed a Public Art Plan and recognized the Public Art Committee for its implementation.That recognition, along with the efforts of many others, have made the creation and installation of public art a priority for theCity of Havre de Grace.​​​The  Public Art Plan is guided in part by the Public Art Committee which is made up of local artists, industry professionals and community members. ​


Our Goals:


Develop and implement a comprehensive public art program rooted in the heritage, architectural and natural beauty of Havre de Grace and its strong sense of place. Professionalize and formalize the public art process, an essential step to attract the support, funding, sites, and artists needed to achieve the full potential of public art for our city.Build upon established policies and standards that follow national best practices are grounded in the body of knowledge accumulated in the field over the last four decades.

What is Public Art? 

Any type of artwork that is free, accessible and engages the community who experience it. The artwork can be in any form of media, indoors or outdoors and temporary or permanent. Most of the public art is owned and maintained by nonprofits or municipalities. Public art is primarily funded through grants, fundraisers, or gifts.  


Why is Public Art Important?

Public Arts celebrates the uniqueness of place, while creating memorable experiences and cultivates community pride. Public art creates engaging public spaces, connects communities and transforms public spaces into something for all to enjoy.​​


What is Havre de Grace's Public Art Plan?

The City of Havre de Grace created and enacted a Public Art Plan in 2014. The Havre de Grace Arts Collective became the stewards of the plan in 2018.  Havre de Grace has identified public art as an important tool for economic and cultural development, one that can simultaneously strengthen the fabric and identity of the community and raise its profile throughout the region and beyond.

Facts about Havre de Grace Public Art

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