Havre de Grace Artist Registry – Corrections and Alterations Form

The Havre de Grace Artist Registry Submission Form below is for making corrections and alterations to a previously submitted form.
If this is the first time you are completing the Submission Form, please follow this link.


How to fill out the Artist Registry Correction and Alteration Form:

Complete the first three entries: Email/First Name/Last Name

Scroll down to the entries that you want to change and complete them.

(You can leave all other entries blank - you do not have to re-enter information.)

Click the submission button.


If you checked "Other" in the selection above, please list additional gallery and theater names
If you checked "Other", please briefly describe your performing arts area
If you checked "Other", pleae briefly describe your visual arts area
If you checked "Other", please briefly describe your literary arts area
Art forms of the artist's heritage, language, religion, occupation or region
If you checked Folk and Traditional Arts, pleae briefly describe your Folk and Traditional Arts area
Checking the "yes" button confirms that this submission is made by a person age 18 or older
By checking this box, you confirm that the artwork submitted is original and not copied from another artist's creations. If it is deemed as copied work, the registry page may be removed from the website.
Checking the "yes" box confirms that you agree to permit the Havre de Grace Arts Collective to reporduce submitted works in our publications, online, newspapers and other print or social media as appropriate. A credit line with the artist's name will be included with all works submitted for publication.
The Arts & Entertainment Committee and the HdG Arts Collective would like your comments, suggestions and ideas to improve the Artist Registry and any other ways to promote the arts in Havre de Grace
You can re-submit uploads of your photos and/or videos here.